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1 lot di forex


Forex is traded in amounts called lots.One standard lot> has 100,000 units of the base currency, while a micro lot has 1,000 units. For example, if you buy 1 standard lot of EUR/USD at 1.3125, you buy 100,000 Euros and you sell 131,250 US dollars. Similarly, when you sell 1 micro lot of EUR/USD at 1.3120, you sell 1,000 Euros and you buy 1,312. 1 Lot Standar = $100,000 1 Lot Mini = $10,000 1 Lot Mikro = $1,000 1 Lot Nano = $100. Besaran-besaran lot ini perlu diperhatikan, karena termasuk aturan trading yang perlu diketahui saat belajar forex. Kenapa begitu? karena: 1. Satu lot merupakan ukuran terkecil yang bisa kita tradingkan. Forex Lots . When trading currencies, there are micro, mini, and standard lots. A micro lot is 1,000 of the base currency, a mini lot is 10,000, and a standard lot is 100,000. Anda trading dengan leverage 1:1000, Misal: Anda buy atau sell 1 lot EUR/USD pada harga 1.1400, maka margin = (USD 100,000) x 1 x 0.1% x 1.1400 = USD 114. Dana sebesar USD 114 tsb akan ditahan selama posisi Anda masih open (belum di-closed). Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan baca: Margin Dalam Trading Forex (1) Margin Dalam Trading Forex (2)


30/03/2011 06/07/2019 07/03/2019

Example #1: Open a long USD/JPY position. Let’s say you’ve deposited $1,000 in your account and want to go long USD/JPY and want to open 1 mini lot (10,000 units) position. How much margin will you need to open this position? Since USD is the base currency. this mini lot is 10,000 dollars, which means the position’s Notional Value is $10,000.

Currency pairs are traded in “lots”, which represents the amount of the currency pair that you are buying or selling. The three most common types of lots are InstaForex company memberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan trading di pasar Forex dengan menggunakan tiga tipe akun: Micro Forex, Mini Forex, Standard Forex. Untuk membuat teknologi ini dapat terjadi, non standard lot 10000 dikeluarkan, pada deal 0,01 lot memberi poin harga 0,01 USD, nilai minimum yang absolut, yang memudahkan pemilik akun These different sizes include: Lot Size in Forex . 1. Standard Lot Size. A Standard Lot size is the most commonly used among the four different types of Lot sizes. This Lot size holds 100,000 units of the base currency, and is assigned the value of 1.0. This value equals to 100,000 Dollars in trade if you are using Dollars as your base currency.


Nilai kontrak forex untuk 1 lot adalah USD 100,000, yang mana untuk pasangan mata uang XXX/USD (EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD) nilai per pip-nya (pip value) adalah USD 10. Untuk 0.1 lot maka nilai kontrak = 0.1 x USD 100,000 = USD 10,000, yang mana nilai per pip = USD 1. 28/07/2011

Sementara pada kontrak mini 1 Lot Forex sama dengan 10.000 mata uang. Kontrak mini ini mulai muncul ketika antusiasme terhadap forex trading semakin meningkat. Selanjutnya, memahami konversi 1 Lot Forex sendiri tidak sulit. Mudahnya begini, dalam kontrak mini tertulis 1 Lot GBP/USD. Dengan demikian, berarti Anda bersedia mengangsurkan sejumlah

Forex is traded in amounts called lots.One standard lot> has 100,000 units of the base currency, while a micro lot has 1,000 units. For example, if you buy 1 standard lot of EUR/USD at 1.3125, you buy 100,000 Euros and you sell 131,250 US dollars. Similarly, when you sell 1 micro lot of EUR/USD at 1.3120, you sell 1,000 Euros and you buy 1,312. 1 Lot Standar = $100,000 1 Lot Mini = $10,000 1 Lot Mikro = $1,000 1 Lot Nano = $100. Besaran-besaran lot ini perlu diperhatikan, karena termasuk aturan trading yang perlu diketahui saat belajar forex. Kenapa begitu? karena: 1. Satu lot merupakan ukuran terkecil yang bisa kita tradingkan.

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